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Textrayz  is creating a new approach to individual learning experiences by allowing students and teachers to create virtual round tables where specific topics and subjects can be discussed, analyzed and investigated.
Linear Navigation (5)
Gottesman Pilot1
Linear Navigation (13)
Linear Navigation (23)
Gottesman Pilot6
Non-linear Navigation (10)
Gottesman Pilot7
Linear Navigation (20)
Non-linear Navigation (1)

The Cell Story for iPad

The Cell Story (7-8th Grade Biology), is an educational interactive application for iPad that enables you to choose your own learning path through layers of text, video, audio, animations, illustrations, timeline, web-based knowledge, and more.


Here's the link to download the app from the AppStore:

Gottesman RTW Academy Pilot

Check out our 6th grade Jewish History and Literature Circle classes using state of the art, 21st century technology while participating in the Textrayz pilot program.  Our students loved using the Textrayz app to create and develop their own classroom library, filled with creative and fun interactive lessons.  Enjoy!

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